The Olympian

Every Olympic athlete overcomes the odds, but Allison Baver took that achievement to the next level. 

Allison Baver competed in three consecutive Olympic Games, 2002, 2006, and 2010, ultimately winning a Bronze Medal after bouncing back from a shocking accident that threatened to end her career.

One year to-the-day before the 2010 Vancouver Olympics opening ceremony, Allison’s right leg and ankle were shattered. While making a pass to win the overall World Cup Title in the 1500m in Bulgaria, a teammate collided with Allison, sending her leg-first into a wall.

In an instant, her ankle joint, tibia, and fibula were shattered, and, it seemed, so were her Olympic dreams. She went from Gold Medal contender to an emergency flight back to the U.S. for surgery.

Her doctor compared the injury to being run over by a garbage truck, and had doubts that she would ever walk normally again. When asked if she could compete in the Olympics, just months away, he told her that her career was over.

Defying the experts, the odds, and conventional wisdom, Allison redoubled her efforts. Driven by thoughts of the family, coaches, and supporters who made so many sacrifices for her to get this far, she committed to surgery, rehabilitation, training, and reclaiming her place in the United States Olympic team.

With precious few months before the qualifications deadline, Allison met the challenge head-on, qualifying for the Vancouver Olympics and walking in its opening ceremony, exactly one year from that fateful moment.

In addition to her historic comeback and leading the U.S. team to a medal in the ladies 3000M relay, Allison is the current American record holder in the 1500M, has won countless World Cup medals and National Championship titles, and was the first Olympic athlete to sign with the prestigious Wilhelmina Models New York modeling agency.

Her experience overcoming adversity, her drive, and her persistence now take Allison beyond the ice as an advocate, actress, producer, and entrepreneur. As a champion for equality, she fights for every woman’s right to dream big, aim high, and achieve the greatness that they deserve.